What Kind of Fire Alarm Systems Are There


There are two prime types of fire alarm systems which are in use nowadays and these are known as automatic and manual. Both of these two fire alarm systems can be set to either safeguard lives only or to protect both lives and property. The automatic type can be operated in either a conventional or computerised configuration.

Automatic and Manual

An automatic fire alarm makes use of a connected network of sensors that detect the existence of smoke and then sound an alarm. Also, both manual and automatic alarm systems can be used and set to activate sprinkler systems and notify the local fire brigade. Try using a professional fire safety company in Leicester, who has all the knowledge, expertise and trustworthy experience you need to protect your home or business.

The manual fire alarm depends on a person being present somewhere who discovers the fire and then can hand activate the alarm. Appliances known as “call points” are fitted near doors and stairwells so as to easily activate the alarm system. As you might know, this kind of fire alarm is commonly used in commercial or industrial buildings where there’s nobody sleeping.

Protecting Lives and Containing

Different kinds of alarms have been created mostly to protect the lives of the occupants of a home or building. This sort of fire alarm will sound off when a fire is detected, but might not activate the sprinkler system or alert the fire brigade. The more complex kinds of system will also close down the ventilation system to stop smoke and toxic fumes from spreading to other areas of the building.

The wiring arrangement on these automatic fire alarms is either conventional or computer related. In a standard configuration, a building is split into two or more zones and each zone has a differing number of various sensing devices connected to a control panel by means of an electrical cable. The cable goes out from the control panel to each sensing device in all zones. In this type of conventional fire alarm setting, the activation of just one sensor will set off alarms and sprinklers for the entire zone.

Addressable Type

Somewhat differing to conventional configurations, what is known as an “addressable” fire alarm system makes use of an electrical cable that begins at the control panel and then continues out to all sensors until a total circuit is completed and comes back to the panel. In this kind of configuration, all individual sensing devices are assigned an address. If one individual sensor is activated, the control panel will activate alarms and sprinklers for only that one zone based on the sensor’s address. This type of alarm system configuration takes away any need for a whole zone to be activated and also enable the fire brigade to know the precise location of the fire.

Fire alarms are an essential part of any modern buildings welfare.

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