What Is an Electrical Installation Condition Report


Time has a way of altering electrical wiring, which leads to deterioration. This degradation results from continued system use. Therefore, legislation advises that electrical components and installations undergo inspections as well as testing periodically. This means that an Electrical Installation Condition Report or EICR must be filled out for your property.

Are You Concerned about Your Property’s Electrical Safety?

If you are concerned about the electrical safety of your home or business, then you need to contact an electrical contractor to have an assessment and testing carried out. The EICR is designed to ensure that any potential faults in an electrical system are addressed and fixed.

Who Is the Duty Holder in Your Company?

If you need to have EICR inspection and testing performed at your business, you need to know who should assume the responsibility of duty holder. A duty holder is the individual who is responsible for the safety of the workers in relation to electrical use. Normally, the senior person in a company takes on this responsibility. Therefore, a determination of the status must be made in order to make sure that compliance is realised and obtained.

You Cannot Use Cost as a Defence

Whilst property owners may believe that a periodic electrical test and assessment is too costly, they will find out the true cost that they will have to pay if the evaluation is not made. After all, it is rather difficult to use cost as a defence if you are sued for liability or an electrical fire occurs on your premises. That is why electrical contractors in Edinburgh and the surrounding area emphasise the need for routine EICR tests and inspections.

Fixed Wire Testing: Another Name for an EICR Inspection and Test

Also referred to as fixed wire testing, EICR by definition involves an exam and testing of the circuitry that is included in the framework of a building. Some of the electrical components include socket outlets and lighting circuits.

EICR Compliance

When an EICR inspection is performed, it fully meets the guidelines set out by the 1974 Health and Safety Work Act. It also follows the measures established by the 1989 Electricity at Work Regulations and the 1998 Provision and Use of Works Equipment Regulations.

When Should You Schedule EICR Inspection and Testing?

So, how often should EICR tests and checks be performed? If you live in a residential letting, an EICR inspection should be completed every five years or during a tenancy change, whichever is sooner. Commercial businesses have the report completed every five years as well. If you live in a domestic dwelling, then schedule an EICR test every 10 years.

Industrial property and warehouse owners should have the report completed every three years and hospitals or educational institutions should request an EICR check and testing every five years. If you own a hotel or restaurant or run a theatre and cinema, then schedule EICR testing and checks annually.

Arrange an EICR Inspection at Your Earliest Convenience

To arrange an EICR check that complies with BS7671, contact an electrical contractor at your earliest convenience. This type of inspection ensures that both compliance and safety standards are met.

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