Enjoy the Waters All Year Long


For many, a heated pool might seem like a rare luxury. Even with the sun out and high in the sky, the cool pool waters can be nearly impossible to get used to. A pool heater will keep your pool water warm and comfortable all year long so you never have to adjust to frigid water temperatures again. For those Australians who live in particularly hectic climates, it is important to consider the many reasons one might install a pool heater.

Electric heaters do not simply generate heat, as much as they capture heat and move it from one place to another. This system is similar to that of a heating and air conditioning system. The refrigerant is kept inside the coil, which absorbs the heat and turns from a liquid to a gas. Once the gas is created, it passes through the compressor and condenser, allowing water in the pool to be heated.

Use it All Year

Australian weather is harsh regardless of the time of year, so it is important that you have the ability to enjoy your pool whenever you want. With the help of pool heating in Brisbane, you can enjoy water kept at the perfect temperature. No matter what time of year or how hot or cold the weather, you are guaranteed the ability to lie back in the water and relax. In fact, most homeowners who purchased a heater saw their investment returned in the form of relaxation and energy savings within the first year of use.

Add Some Much Deserved Comfort

With the help of your new heater, you can treat your guests to a refreshing swim anytime you want to, and your younger family members will love the extra play time. The more comfortable the water, the more likely your guests will stay longer and visit more often. You will have the chance to become closer to your friends and loved ones.

Extremely High Efficiency

Modern pool heaters have now tackled the issue of 365-day energy consumption by becoming 600 percent more energy efficient. These technological marvels come in three different series: Force, DHP-R, and the CS. All of these are cost-effective and very good at what they do, but they are each used for a slightly different purpose. The force series is for domestic use, so it is more focused toward smaller pools. DHP-R can be used for both domestic and commercial pools, but it is relatively small compared to the CS series.

The CS series is dedicated to commercial pool warming and, as such, is too much for a homeowner’s pool to handle. However, if you are a business owner and think it is a good idea to build a large pool, it might be in your best interest to invest. These are the same pool heaters used across the continent on Olympic-sized swimming pools. With that in mind, you know you can trust your heater to get the job done right. Whether you are a homeowner ready for year round use or a local business with a lap pool, pool heating is the very best way to go.

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